We have an elaborate network of sawmills.
Thanks to this elaborate network of over 60 sawmills and thanks to the close collaboration we have with these sawmills, we can guarantee a continuous supply of European oak, ash and hornbeam.
Our sawmills all are carefully selected and frequently visited by purchasers.

For the purchase we have developed a very unique combination of working structure:

  1. We offer a very big range of products that all can be put in one order.
  2. Payment is at day of loading or even some time earlier.
  3. We are open to discuss a financial support system with the sawmill.
  4. We have a team of 5 Ukrainian purchasers that can support the our working structure and make sure that you will only produce products when wished, we can advise in the best production method.
  5. Even after more than 11 years we can produce that fact that we have been taken all the lumber that we ordered.
  6. We can handle bigger volumes and are very flexible in the amounts.
  7. We buy now 1200m3 Ukrainian oak per month.
  8. We buy from state and commercial sawmills.
  9. We can buy for export or domestic market.
  10. To improve the cooperation, visit to our office in Holland can be helpful.